Wednesday 20 August 2014

Bout of Books 11.0 Day 2 update

Bout of Books

This is not the most impressive number yet I am impressed. I am performing like a Marvel superhero in the face of a bad guy as I eliminate my To Do list.

Yesterday was HECTIC! It was chaos at school as the kids prepared for the talent show they are putting on tonight. I then proceeded to set another 3 assessment tasks! I will spare you all the work details, as this blog is my escape from work (I just feel the need to actually justify why I read so little).

So, the low down:
Time spent reading: About 30 minutes.
Pages read: 44
Almost finished Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (Man! Can there be more surprises?)
I also had way to much fun doing the Book Spine Poetry challenge. (You can see my post here, if you are interested. I was super proud of this! Hell, I even got it to rhyme!)

My reading total for the readathon so far:

I'm not too sure if I like the graph. I want to tweak it a bit more so that it works like Nano's graph. My goal is to read 1050 pages for the week, which works out at 150 pages a day - a lot when one considers that I work between 16 to 20 hours a day (depending on how late in the term it is).

Oh well, I am off to hit the books!

Happy reading!


  1. Isn't Gone Girl crazy? I remember I sent my mom a text with all the bullet points of plot and there were a LOT of bullet points!

    Keep reading :)

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

    1. Completely crazy! I am absolutely loving it! I am so used to crime novels where I follow the detective, getting a neutral, reliable narration of events. This book has completely raised the bar for all future crime reads for me. I LOVE the unreliable narration and basically feeling completely clueless as to how it is all going to end.

      I hope you have a super successful Bout of Books!
      Happy reading!
