Thursday 1 January 2015

2015 Goals and Plans

Happy New Year everyone!

A new year always brings new plans and goals. Who am I to argue with tradition? So here is mine.

The BIG plan

I have one and only one plan for 2015. Get another job. I am keeping it short, sweet and simple so as to not divert any energy into any other less important plans. This is the year where I kiss my current place of employment goodbye and find one that has humane expectations. So. Just to make sure it is clear, I will be getting a new job. Got that universe!?

Now onto the reading goals - because this is my reading blog.

1) Read 30 books.

I like to start off reasonably. While in my head I would like to aim for something closer to 100 books, that is not feasible with my current work load. When the BIG Plan comes through, maybe it will become a possibility. But for now, 30 it is.

2) Review every book I read.

This is pretty self explanatory. I am not bad with this on Goodreads, but I am rather dreadful on my blog. I am going to try and rectify that this year.

3) Start a booktube channel.

Another one that doesn't need much explaining. I have been watching booktube for many, many months, constantly thinking about what I would do or say. It is about time I got off my backside and actually made it happen. It isn't as though I have to carry on with it if I don't enjoy it.

ETA 4) Try the Alphabet Reading Challenge again

This one does not really require completion. I like having the A-Z list on my door and trying to fill in the blank spaces. I will be happy if, as with 2014, I have 4 letters not achieved.

And that is it. Initially I was going to have a ton of goals for my reading: read so many classics, read books written by South Africans, read books that have been given awards, read more diversely... But my TBR pile is full of that already, so if I just continue moving though it, then that will be accomplished already - without adding the pressure of making it a goal. At the moment, reading is for FUN and I plan on keeping it that way.

I hope 2015 brings everyone health, wealth and everything 'ealth'!


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