Tuesday 26 May 2015

Ten Books I Plan To Have In My Beach Bag This Summer

This post is inspired by Top Ten Tuesday!

OK, southern hemisphere gal here. I am not torturing myself thinking about summer when I still have winter staring me in the face. So, I am changing this topic - slightly. It is now, 'Ten Books I Plan to have in my Bag this Winter!' (I don't know if this is against the rules, but the alternative topic, 'Ten Books I Think Make Great Beach Reads' just seemed unappealing as beaches just aren't exactly conducive to relaxing reading really as their is wind, sand, no shade and lots of noisy people, particularly under the age of 21. Trust me, I live on the coast.)

This winter, I have a few books planned. I can't say that I plan reading according to the seasons (as there is about a 10 degree Celsius difference between summer and winter here), but I do save my longer reads or fantasy series for my longer holidays. Thank Merlin a longer holiday is coming up - in just a hair over a month.

The list:
The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson.
I have been wanting to read this series since my mom read it last year. We both agree I will love it!

The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss.
Another one my mom got to first. From what she has had to say about it, and from what I have heard from Booktube, I am really looking forward to this. Plus, they have gorgeous covers!

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke
Neil Gaiman blurbed this. I then also heard him mention it in the interview he had the day after Terry Pratchett passed away. I have read the first page, and enjoyed how it was written. Now I want to enjoy the seven hundred plus pages that follow.

The Stand by Stephen King
I find really long books are a drag when the reading is constantly being interrupted by real life. I want to save this one also for my holiday as I want to read it this year for the one reading challenge I am doing. (I need to read a book published the year I was born.)

...at this point, common sense is pointing out that my holiday is 3 weeks long and those books already surpass 5000 pages in reading. So as something short-ish, I will add:

The Abhorsen series by Garth Nix
A colleague and friend from work lent me these books. I suppose I should really get to them so that I can return them. Otherwise they might just end up merging with my own collection.

Oh! And just because I really do not have any grasp on reality and am completely in denial as to how much I can read in 3 weeks, I am going to add an 11th book.

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
I have been wanting to read this one for years and the other day I found it at my favourite book shop at a wonderfully reduced price. It would have been mine even if it wasn't at the reduced price!

I do not know what I am going to do if my favourite bookshop ends up getting the other books I want in time for my holiday... Maybe I should try and put a dent in this before then... It is so close to being winter after all.

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