Tuesday 3 January 2017

The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen (2016 review catch ups)

The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen is the second book in The Queen of the Tearling series.

I am not going to say much about this one, as it is the second in a series. As a whole though, I found it a bit disappointing. I liked that Kelsea had a brain in the first book, but in this one, common sense seemed to abandon her, along with tact. Maybe I have got this wrong though. I see many reviewers on Goodreads think Kelsea was awesome in this book.

Again, this book suffered from 2nd book syndrome. Not much happened until the end. For an invasion, as the title suggests, it was more of a slow subtle event than a full scale war.

The alternate story was the most interesting part of this. Initially I found it distracting from the story I wanted to read, but by the end, I was quite impressed with the outcome. I am curious to see how this plays out in the final book.

I will read the last book of the series when it becomes available at a reduced price. For now, I am not jumping hoops to get my hands on it. The Invasion of the Tearling only earned 2 stars from me.

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