Speaking in Bones was a light, enjoyable read. As I said above, crime novels are my guilty pleasure, and I must admit that I do enjoy these as a rule. I don't know if I was just in a weird mood, but I found this one rather funny. Although, I have to add that a lot of the puns were a bit - well - predictable and obviously placed.
What I do enjoy about these books, generally, is that one is guaranteed to learn something. Although I can't say that this was the book that cleared up my understanding of mitochondrial DNA (that was another of her books - can't remember which), but it did fill in some other areas in my general knowledge with regards to preservation of remains and identifiers (You know, just in case I decide to pack in teaching and work in a morgue - which might be a bit of a problem, considering I don't like touching things that are excessively manky - or slightly manky, if I am being honest.)
One thing that did irritate me though was the interaction between Tempe and Ryan. Seriously, if I could climb into a book and give a character a firm shake or a snot klap (South African terminology for a good slap), I would have gladly done so for this one. But, it has left it again, in a place with regards to the two, where I am now curious to pick up the next one. (Which I am sure was the plan.)
Oh, and I was not too sure about the ending. At one point in time - no two - I wanted to climb in the book and scream some sense into Tempe. I mean, come on, how many books does it take to learn that you should not do that! But I suppose that is where the suspense comes in. One day, I would like to read a book where she does not stupidly walk into danger - just once. It isn't asking for too much is it? (Oh, that isn't a spoiler either. She does it in every book.)
I gave this 3 stars on Goodreads. It was entertaining, and I suppose if I was judging it just as a crime thriller, it would probably get 4 stars, but, I suppose I am becoming a lot more judgmental now that I am reading a lot more literary fiction.
Not much else to say about this. If you like crime thrillers, programmes like CSI or Bones, then give it a go. If not, skip it.
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