1. Title that's the story of your life
I was so tempted to claim The Secret History by Donna Tartt, and go for the mysterious feel, but it would only be partially accurate. (Still going for the partially mysterious.) Perhaps Thud! by Terry Pratchet would be better as it represents the sound of reality striking and my realising that to actually achieve my dreams (published writer, blah blah) that I would need a time turner and an almost fatal supply of energy drinks. But as I am a teacher, I am going to go for Patrick Ness's The Ask and the Answer, because that is my life. I ask, they answer (and boy, can they come up with things that have no relation to the text) or they ask and I answer. It is my life. Reality sucks.
2. Title that describes your perfect weekend
Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. (Just a note here, I really did not enjoy this book at university. Maybe 17 was too young to read it, but then, I have no plans to reread it as yet, so I can't even speculate on that.) I am not a fan of crowds. The perfect weekend would be somewhere nice and quiet, alone, probably with a good book or ten. (We did say perfect weekend. So why settle for a realistic 2 books?) Should I not be in the mood for being a hermit, perhaps In the Company of Cheerful Ladies by Alexander McCall Smith.
3. Title of an adventure you'd like to go on
A Dance with Dragons! Maybe. I can't say I like dancing though, but it does sound like fun. (Yet again, another book I was not a fan of. I wrote a really long comment about this ages ago. This one is the 5th instalment in The Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin.)
4. Title you want to name your child
Let's go with Madd Addam (by Margaret Atwood) because a bit of eccentricity cannot be a bad thing, surely? My cats (who are my current children) are named Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson) and Tiger Thomas Huckleberry (from he most popular works by Mark Twain - if you met my cat you would realise that the name fits him perfectly.)
5. Title of your ideal job
Is there a book called 'funemployed and not destitute'? No? Bugger. The Black Arrow, side kick to the Green Arrow. (OK, just kidding.) Ooo! I know! The Book Thief. I would need to get over certain moral issues, and perhaps acquire a backbone to be brave enough to break the law, but, I could enjoy that! If not, perhaps I should just settle for Mr Penumbra's 24 hour Bookstore. I would ask for the night shift and be surrounded by books. No exam papers or marking in sight!
6. Title of a place you'd like to visit
Bugger, now I have used the bookstore one. Umm, The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancy? No, it sounds cold and wet, which matches the weather outside. OK, let's go for Norwegian Wood by Murakami because it sounds peaceful (and far away). I have not read this one yet, but I am really curious to read some Murakami. I have heard great things about his works.
7. Title of your love life
I don't like using the titles of books I have not read and have no intention of reading. However, there is only one answer to this one: The Boy Next Door (by ... hang on, gotta Google it ... Ooo, there are many. Let's go with Meg Cabot.)
8. Questions you ask yourself
How to be Both (by Ali Smith) How to be a good teacher and have the energy and time to be a writer; is there a way to paint AND read at the same time (Yes! audio books!); how can I finish this book tonight and be awake for work tomorrow... You get the picture. I love doing so many things and inevitably I end up having to choose between what I want to do and what I need to do. (That dang thing called reality again!)
9. Title of a kingdom you want to rule OR name
The Final Empire (by Brandon Sanderson - loved this one) because it will stand the test of time, being final and all that. I think I could make a pretty good job of ruling this one. (It isn't as though there is likely to be much I could do worse...)
10. Title you'd name your band.
The Rosie Project (by Graeme Simsion). Insider information here, but my first name is Rosalind. Yeah. See the connection? Good! Could I ask you to be kind enough to forget the first name thing now? Please!Oh well, that is my RnR break for the day over. Off to set tests! (This might account for the slight negative undertones of this tag. With every test I set these days, my desire to work in a bookshop grows. Not only do I feel that it kills so much of the literature we cover, but I just get disheartened with the results I get.
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