This was was very up and down for me. I was expecting something a bit different, perhaps a bit more advanced because of who had recommended it, but then, that wouldn't really have qualified it for YA. I think I constantly forgot that this was a YA novel while reading it, which probably also led to a few disappointments. At one point I was convinced I was going to get some pleasant blasphemous satire, but it didn't pan out that way. On the other hand, what this did give me was two awesome, strong female characters. There are so many things I could say in admiration of Vivian's character, but I won't spoil you. I also enjoyed the friendship between Vivian and her friend, Harp. Although it seems rocky in places, they are a good match for each other.
There were some interesting comment on religion and women being subservient to men in it. Although this was definitely not excessively blatant, I picked it up and I am sure any female worth her salt would. I am glad that thought is being questioned. Women have got the bad end of the stick in multiple religions and I do think that it does deserve some attention.
Once again, I did guess everything in this book. No surprises. I think it is because I have read so many books that I can spot the subtle, 'you're not supposed to pick it up' clues.
I gave this one 4 stars, although I did sit indecisively for a while on that. The end pushed it up eventually.
It is the 61st book I have read for the 2015 TBR Pile Reading challenge.
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