Now, let me just state for the record that if I were stranded on Mars, my log would not be perky. I would have an instant sense of humour failure of epic proportions. Fortunately Mark Watney is nothing like me. He is hilarious! I woke up half the house laughing at the things he said. (That is no exaggeration. My mom did get her revenge though, as she laughed her way through the book a day after I was done with it.)
Watney, besides his wonderful personality, is also quite brilliant. He makes MacGyver look like an underachiever (although they both have a lot of respect for duct tape), and makes Bear Grylls look like an amateur. Finding water on earth is easy, man. Try figuring that out on Mars!
I really enjoyed the science in his book. I loved Watney and his sense of humour. I enjoyed the plot, and the suspense made me chew all my nails away. If anything in that brief list sounds appealing to you, then give this book a go.
Just as an FYI, I would read the book before watching the trailer for the movie because it shows pretty much everything except the last 30 pages or so. It's a big spoiler.
Talking about the movie, I wonder how they are going to capture Watney's humour. I am guessing the log approach won't work on the screen. Oh well, here is to me actually wanting to watch a movie based on a book. It does not happen often. (Last time was Harry Potter!)
I gave this 4 stars on Goodreads, although I should probably bump it up to a 5. I loved reading this too much for it to be a 4 star book (and it does take a lot to make me laugh out loud at anything).
This is the 39th book I have read for the 2015 TBR Pile Reading challenge.
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