The pacing in general was slow - not that that is a problem for me, but it did make me question if the pain in my wrists from holding this huge thing was completely necessary; or if perhaps a few things could have been trimmed. But having said that, all the detail did add to the suspense and the number of questions I was asking myself throughout the reading process. I really was engrossed in the plot.
As far as the characters went, they were all right, I suppose. There was nothing that particularly made them stand out for me. There were some things that I guessed, and there were other things that I suspected that didn't pan out - which was perhaps a well placed red herring.
I think the reason I am rating this only as three and not a four (ok, let's pretend it is a 3.5) stars on Goodreads, is because I found the ending unsatisfying. I understand why it was done, but I prefer a conclusive ending after plodding through 600 plus pages. I also felt that the chosen ending did not quite match the rest of the book as far as pacing and detail went. Some folks appeared to have loved the ending so don't take my word on this alone. Maybe I will enjoy it more one day when I get to rereading it. For now, I am just going to sulk as I feel like I am hanging in the air and the ground is still no where in sight.
This is the 37th book I've read for the 2015 TBR Pile Reading challenge.
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