Many folks on Booktube have done this and I have loved listening to all their answers.Here is my input!
This is in honour of the fact that yesterday, 8 years ago (wow, it has been that long!!!) I was standing in a queue in London in Charing Cross Road, waiting to buy my copy of Deathly Hallows!
WARNING: If you have not read (or watched - but come now, read them!) the series, back away from this page right now. There will be SPOILERS! (Obviously!)
Favourite book
That would probably be Goblet of Fire. The Triwizard Tournament, the dragons, the hilarity of Harry finding a date... But most of all, my favourite chapter was Flesh, Blood and Bone. I know it is dark, but it was beautifully chilling. It was also the point where I knew for sure that this was going to be serious. Sometimes, I have encountered books where I have felt that the bad guy was really not worth the hassle. Voldemort was not such a villain. He earned my respect, and my fear for Harry multiplied off the charts. I also got completely obsessed with this one during the, (What was it, 3 year?), wait for Order of the Phoenix.
Favourite movie

This is a tough one to answer! I loved the charm and magical setting created in the first two. I loved how Alfonso Cuaron captured the fear of the dementors and added the darkness to the series. I did have a few issues with some changes to the book though - and the omissions. I loved what Mike Newell did to Hogwarts and the kids (they were far more like real teenagers). And dang! Those dragons looked real! David Yates did a fantastic job too. I liked how he did all of Umbridge's rule changes (Imelda Staunton did a magnificent job of bring my most hated character to life) and the Daily Prophet. He also gave me goosebumps with the cave in Half Blood Prince. And who can forget the fall of Hogwarts? I actually teared up there. It was like watching everything finally come to an end, literally and figuratively and friggin metaphorically too. I can't choose! Possibly Deathly Hallows part 2. Or Goblet of Fire, because it was fun and had an awesome soundtrack! I really liked them all, although I feel that Azkaban doesn't quite match the others. It is a bit more artistic.
Least favourite book
Another tough one. Can I chicken out and claim Deathly Hallows for the ugliest cover of the lot? More seriously, I would say maybe Deathly Hallows, or at least the camping and hiking part. I had no objection to it during my first read, but I really struggle to get through that part when rereading it. It seems that not a lot happened. But, saying that, it is still way up there on the list of books I have read that I love. (Maybe it also has something to do with it also ending the series.)
Parts of the books/movies that made you cry

If I hadn't been in company while reading Deathly Hallows, I probably would have cried over Dobby and Hedwig. My heart did break when Mrs Weasley hugged Harry after Cedric had been killed in GoF and we realise that he had never (as far as he could remember at least) been held like that, a motherly, loving hug.
As to the movies, I already confessed to getting very teary eyed over Hogwarts 'falling' in Deathly Hallows. The caption, 'It all ends here' is exactly how I felt watching that. No more books, no more movies. It was the end in so many ways and that realisation hit with the force of an Avada Kedavra spell during that scene.
If you could hook up with any HP character who would it be?
Well, it would be fun to hook up with George Weasley. Some of my favourite characters, though, were Hermione, Ginny, Dobby and Tonks, but as Tonks and Dobby are no more (thanks Jo!), I guess I would settle for having a nice chat with one of the other girls. In fact, let's go with Ginny. It must have been quite the experience growing up with six brothers. While it would be fun to hear about all the Weasley boys, I think she would make an interesting character to get to know in her own right. To be honest though, the character that I would really want to hook up would be Harry. Which leads me to the next question...
Favourite character
Harry. He had guts. I loved that after Sirius died in Order of the Phoenix, he gathered himself together and then chose to go on. He didn't wait for destiny to find him. He accepted it. Which is a lot better than hiding under the bed and hoping Voldemort won't find you. He took control of his life and faced it head on. I also felt that, considering his upbringing, he could have turned out to have a lot weaker character. But he didn't. Harry was awesome! I loved him.
What would your Patronus be?
A tabby cat. Or a staffie. (This has nothing to do with my pets - I promise *whistles innocently*) I mean, look at the face! He would be delighted to protect me!
If you could have the Resurrection Stone, Invisibility Cloak or the Elder Wand which one would you choose?
I can't say that I would have use for any, although I could see how anyone would be tempted with the Resurrection Stone. What I wouldn't do to have another chat with my dad. I suppose I would go for the wand. I live in a dangerous country and it would be nice to do some magical self defence and zap someone's ass! (Nope, I didn't learn my lesson there, apparently.)
What House would you be in?

This is hard to answer. I was always put in Gryffindor in the past in all those online quizzes. I did, after all, head off to live in a country where no one spoke English and I didn't speak Korean. But to be honest, I could easily see myself in Ravenclaw too. I think I also have a bit of a Slytherin in me. I would not, however, make it to Hufflepuff. I am a procrastinator, and if it weren't for the last minute, I would never get anything done. It's a bit difficult to work hard at something whilest putting it off. Although, having said that, loyalty is something I have a lot of. Let's go Gryffindor (with Ravenclaw tendencies) because I would ask the hat to put me with Gryffindor.
IF you could meet any member of the cast who would it be?
Well, I have met Jason Isaacs and got his autograph! That was pretty cool. (Although strangely odd that of all the characters from the cast I would meet in real life, the one I did was responsible for the deaths of so many other on-screen heart-throbs.) I also saw Dan from not too far away. I think if I had a choice now, it would be Emma Watson. I admire what she is doing with He for She.
I would be completely happy to meet anyone from the cast though. I am a sucker for all things Harry Potter.
Have you played any of the video games?
Pfft. Naturally! I have played at least 1 through to 4. (My friend has them and we would play together when I would go and visit. It has been a couple of years though, so it is a bit vague now.)
IF you were on the Quidditch team which position would you play?
You're joking right! I would be the commentator. If there were no other members in my house to play, I would probably go for beater. (I might be able to whack a bludger, but at least the opposition wouldn't score if I messed up - unless the bludgers took out the rest of the team.) Trust me, they would not want me there! I can talk a lot though....
Were you happy with the ending?

It was ok. I think my biggest gripe was that they named all their kids after fallen heroes. At least the ending did bring a conclusion and the feeling that "all was well", which I appreciated after having my life and soul turned upside down for all those years. Ideally though, I don't know if it was what I would have chosen. There could have been far worse though. (Sweet, I remembered that avatar from yeeeears ago. Glad to see it still exists!)
How much does Harry Potter mean to you?
Wow. How can I put all of this into words! At least this isn't on Twitter! I met my best friend as a result of Harry Potter. I have had the best weekend of my life because of Harry Potter (she and I met up in London for a weekend - seriously!) I started reading again because of Harry Potter (I had finished my degree and was convinced that I should only read intellectual books. Only thing was, I was burnt out on intellectual books and I could not find anything I loved. And then I met Harry.). I started writing again because of Harry Potter. I found something to be passionate about. I met people who I could share that passion with. I lived those stories. I laughed, giggled and sniffed my way through those books so many times, I cannot even say how often I have reread them. By now you are probably thinking I am weird. You might be right. But Harry captured me completely. It reawakened my imagination, my creativity and made me passionate about something. And as I cannot
not finish a series, and I was constantly being left to hang in tortuous limbo while Jo wrote the next one.
Some Harry Potter memories
(This is not a part of the tag)
This is me at school dressed as Bellatrix Lestrange. (It helps to go as bad guys. Usually more fun for the make up, and extra fun to act mean for the day.) If you think that looks crazy, (although the light in the pic has lightened my dark circles etc. and my hair! Wow, I should try going that colour!), then you should have seen me go as Elphaba Thropp from Wicked. Green, folks. I went GREEN!

And then, as all HP fans do when they actually get to go to London do ... (Yes, this girl from Africa went to England because of a book! TWICE!) Yip, I popped onto Platform 9 3/4! That was a part of the best weekend of my life! Three days of just having way too much fun! I saw Dan in Equus (although I was just a wee bit embarrassed at that), I saw Jason Isaacs in The Dumb Waiter (he remained dressed; I was a lot more comfortable) and then went fangirling over Sherlock Holmes at 221B Baker street. And that entire weekend was all a result of having met my best friend because of Harry Potter.
Yeah. Harry Potter has been the cause of so many great things in my life! Thanks Jo!