Once again I am late in doing the wrap up. I have a good excuse. No, wait, scrap that. I have a magnificent excuse! My mom and I are in the middle of making my wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling bookcase, which means that my desk and everything else in my room is currently in chaos. It does not inspire thought for writing - anything. It is, however, motivating as far as getting the job done, goes.
So, to start off, the readathon was a huge success! I finished 5 of the 6 books I had planned to read, and made huge progress with the 6th. I read the following colours: red, orange, yellow, blue and purple (and green, if you count the green on September's jacket in The Girl who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of her own Making' - which I am because it is perfectly legal according to the rules.)
I enjoyed every single one of these books (reviews to come if I can keep my eyes open). I have made it though 65% of Trigger Warning, according to Goodreads, although it look closer to the end if I look at the book. Oh well, who cares, right? I am really enjoying one short story a night. It is dragging out the Gaiman pleasure instead of merging the entire book into one higgledy-piggledy reading experience.

1 book nearly completed.
1406 pages (approximately)
6 colours read.
A beautiful book pile completed.
And 7 brilliant days of reading.
What more could a book worm ask for?
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