So now that all the formalities are out of the way, Let me begin!
1) How do you find out about new books to read?
There are loads of ways! The first is booktube. Courtesy of booktube, my wish list has grown to over 400 books. The second way is my amazing bookseller, Kerry. She passes books under my nose very often. Sometimes I have heard of them on booktube, sometimes I have never heard of them before. I still buy them, read them, and enjoy them. The other way is through my mom. She and I have similar tastes, especially now that my mom has realised that she loves fantasy. And finally, I do occasionally meet people in real life who read, and sometimes I get ideas of what to read next from them. Usually I am giving more ideas than I get though.
My mom. When I was very little, I used to sit on her lap while she read the old Golden Books to me. Then, when I got a little older she would read to both my brother and I when we were in bed at night. It started with Noddy (by Enid Blyton) and progressed to The Famous Five and other books by Enid Blyton. By then, I knew I loved stories, and after my folks went to bed, I would then continue to read under the covers with a torch. I took to reading better than fish to water. Always loved it.
3) How has your taste in books changed since you've got older?
Well, the age group has changed. Other than that, I can't say it has changed too much. There was a period in my life where I declared that I was only going to read highbrow books, but that gave me my first and only reading slump. So I do what I always did. I browse shelves, pick up what interests me, and read it. I am still preferring crime thrillers when I have an urge for light reading. But even as a child, I never restricted myself to one genre. I chose books either based on the cover, what people told me, or what sounded interesting from the synopsis on the back. I even read children's classics. So, all I can say that has changed is the age group within which I read.
4) How often do you buy books?
Too often. I wish I could read them as fast as I can buy them! I go grocery shopping twice a week. Therefore I walk past - ok, who am I kidding - I walk into my favourite bookshop twice a week. It is not often I leave without something. Often I leave with two things. On rare occasions I leave with more than two things. Only very seldom do I walk out empty handed. maybe tomorrow I will be able to leave without buying something. Time will tell.
5) How did you get into booktubing?
OK, this is a blog. I don't booktube - yet - because it just seems like a huge commitment that I don't think I have the time to sign up for. But... I will say that I got into following booktubers from a Bookriot post on facebook that introduced me to some. And there my internet bandwidth spiralled into oblivion as it became my new obsession. My initial introduction was Little Book Owl and The Readables. I must have found the most popular channels first, and subscribed to all, as if scared I was going to miss out on something, but after about a year, I was starting to get bored of the same books being discussed over and over and over again. I must confess that I unsubscribed to quite a few (nothing personal, but there are only so many times one can hear the same thing) and started looking around for new booktubers who read different books. I tend to give a booktuber a couple of months to see where our tastes lie. If we match, I keep subscribing, if not, I am sorry to say, I end it. Not because I dislike their content, but because I have so much to get through. I would also rather find other booktubers who would introduce me to different books I would enjoy.

I complain about it to my mom. But it is not often that I come across books that I completely despise. There generally are quite a few good pints that I enjoy.
7) How often have you taken a sneaky look at the back page of a book to see if it's a happy ending?
Never. The closest I ever got to doing that was flipping ahead through books in A Song of Ice and Fire series to see if my loved character was still alive (and narrating another chapter). That was purely because it could be 100 pages sometimes until I heard from him/her again, and that ind of suspense can kill.
8) How many people are you going to tag, and who are they?
I was going to delete this question, but hey. If you are out there and want to do this, be my guest. Link to your post below, and i will happily go and see what you had to say.
Scruff the Tugboat! That brings back memories :) I wish I could buy books weekly but I'm sure that would not be good for my shelves or my budget. I have limited myself to four shelves in my bookshelf so I try to keep my numbers down and only buy books when I have space.
ReplyDeleteThat must take more self-discipline than I have! (Currently, my excuse is that, since I have quit smoking, I am blowing my cig budget on books.) As to bookshelf space, I feel your pain. I saved for a year, and earlier this month, forked out a fortune to buy pine. My mom and I are currently building a wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling bookcase for me. That, along with my other book cases, should (I hope) contain all the books I have, and will acquire, for quite some time.
DeleteLOL! When I found the picture of Scruff the Tugboat, I had to add it. That was one of the books my mom used to read to us. I hadn't thought of those in years!