So here are the questions along with my answers!
1. You have a test tomorrow, but instead of studying you’ve been reading. Which fictional character do you call to help you cram for this test?
I really want to say Hermione Granger. I mean, which other character can one really rely upon? But to be different I am going to go with Peekay from The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay. He made a book just for that! Or, I could ask John Milton from Spud by John van de Ruit. He was a pretty smart kid. Only one problem, he might not be of much help - me being female and all that.
2. Pay day is still 2 weeks away, but you are broke. Which rich character do you ask for money to help you out?
Oh crickey! Most of the characters I like are dead broke and facing bigger problems than money. I think I would have to go with Logan Gyre from the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks. He seems to be a very honourable man and a good, loyal friend. I think, if I were his friend, I might (and that is a big might), be able to put my pride in my pocket and ask for help.
3. There is a burglar in your house. Which character to you call to help you beat up the burglar?
4. There is a spider/snake/something else that really scares you in your house. Which character do you call to get rid of it for you?
Ron Weasley. OK, so I would ask Ron for help, then die laughing for quite some time. Then I might call
5. You’ve had a really bad week. Which character do you call to cheer you up?
I really should not find this one as hard as I am to answer. I would probably go for Sam Vimes along with the rest of the cast from the City Watch Disc World novels by Terry Pratchett. As a collective they are hilarious and would definitely cheer me up.
6. There is a zombie apocalypse going on. Which character can totally handle him/herself in this apocalypse? Pick the character that would give you the highest survival chances.
7. Your house caught on fire, you need a place to stay. Which character’s house do you want to stay in?
Can't I just go to Hogwarts? I will teach Muggle Studies! OK, more seriously. The Weasley house is very tempting because it sounds a lot like my house (without the risky architecture). But that answer has already been claimed by many. I think I would like a few days at 221B Baker Street with the boys (although that would not be good for me trying to NOT smoke). Ooo! I know. I'll bunk with Rhi Bran ap Brychan (a.k.a Robin Hood), not in Sherwood but in the Welsh forest from the King Raven series by Stephen R. Lawhead. (We are just going to ignore the fact that I would freeze to death, be it winter or summer)
8. Because your house caught on fire, you obviously don’t have any clothes. Which character do you want to borrow clothes from?
Princess Raisa ana’Marianna from the Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima. I am grinning here because anyone who knows me, knows that I am not into fancy, pretty clothes. While Raisa might be a princess, she is also a warrior and as a result, knows how to dress practically. But, should the need arise, there might be something fancy in her wardrobe (all assuming that her short frame can clothe my not-so-short frame).

Jack Reacher would be perfect for this because he has loads of experience in this exact area. But I am going to go for Alex Rider from the Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz because he is also very good in areas like this. Mostly though, my inner maternal instincts just want to give the lad a hug. Other than that, there is Sherlock Holmes, or the kids from the Virals series by Kathy Reichs. Actually, Frank and Joe Hardy would even cut this one! (Now that is a blast from the past!)
10. You just broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Which character do you call to be your rebound.
Jack Reacher (in the books by Lee Child) I have just noted how valuable he could be to have around! And he is 6'5. I LOVE a tall man. He is always on the move too, so there will definitely not be any strings attached.
Well, that is what you can call a rather vast selection of genres!
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