Thursday 25 June 2015

The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson

This was the second novella in the bind up titled Legion and The Emperor's Soul all, obviously, by Brandon Sanderson.

I read Legion last year and absolutely loved it. It is what made me happily head out and buy the Mistborn trilogy and a few other books by Brandon Sanderson that could quite easily double as self-defense weapons.

The Emperor's Soul was not a disappointment in the slightest. It was unlike anything I had come across before.

Shai is a Forger (which is mostly what it sounds like, except it isn't.)  She doesn't forge money or documents, she forges anything by rewriting the memory of the item. Am I saying too much? I hope not. Shai is to be executed, until the council realise that she can save them. If only she can forge a new soul for the Emperor.

What I did appreciate, from having lived in South Korea for three years, was Sanderson's explanation of where his idea came from - the stamps they use in China and Korea. It was also something that I had noticed, although apparently I lacked the imagination to bend it into a story like this. (Silly me.)

Overall, I would recommend these to fans of Sanderson, or folks, like me, who are wanting to give him a try but would like to invest first in something a little shorter than the novels and series he has written.

This is the 34th book completed for the 2015 TBR Pile Reading challenge.
I gave this 4 stars on Goodreads. I really enjoyed it.

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