I listened to this one on audio book while picking up some crocheting. Audio books are brilliant for those occasions when I have some handwork I feel like doing, or some art. I love getting lost in a story.

This story follows a man who, predictably, is invisible. I bet you weren't expecting that.
I really enjoyed this one. I found the tale a combination of amusing and gripping - entertainment at its best. What also struck me about the story was how well-thought out all the aspects of it were. The science made sense. I also enjoyed the structure of the story. This does not follow the typical storyline. Some important people we only meet later. The roles of antagonist and protagonist are not clear cut from the beginning.
The invisible man was such an interesting character: while there were actions (or perhaps, reactions) he took which shocked me, there were other times where I could, if not empathise, but at least sympathise with him. You will have to read it to see what I am getting at. To go into any more detail would be to ruin some of the discovery for you. The ending also had me feeling contradictory emotions. Only a well-written book can do that.
Don't be put off by the fact that this is considered a classic. The language is easily accessible and the plot moves quickly, even if it is a bit unusual in the 'layout'. I also thought some parts were really funny, but then I have a very dark sense of humour, and do not find 'normal' funny things amusing. At the end of the day, most of the books that are considered classics, made it because they were popular.
I am definitely going to pick up another book by H.G. Wells.
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