Yesterday I read and finished I am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes. What a ride! I loved every minute of it! It kept me up until some time between 4 and 5 am! I have not had a book do that in some time (Granted, if I were working right now, I would have had to stop, but holidays are great for many reasons!).

Have a nap. I am feeling a bit sleep deprived. I wonder why.
Write my review on I am Pilgrim.
Read, read, read. I just don't know what to read. I want something gripping. Actually, to be honest, I want another book just like I am Pilgrim. I just don't know if I have any. Bugger!
Books read: 1
Pages read: 545
Currently reading: Just the same books I mentioned in my sign up post: The Accidental by Ali Smith (it is still far too hot to read this successfully) and A Slip of the Keyboard by Terry Pratchett (loving it, but not a book to race through).
Edited to add (because I am finally awake enough to remember that there are challenges). I would like to say thanks to Writing My Own Fairy Tale for hosting the challenge.
The Bookish 'Would you rather' challenge!
Would you rather:
Lend books to someone who dog-ears pages or to someone who reads with cheesy Cheetos fingers?
If my death stare and my policy to not lend books to anyone who does not live in the same house has me both fail, and I was forced to choose, I would go with the dog-earer. I can always clamp my book flat and tweak the corners, whereas it has been proved that one cannot wash pages clean. (Just ask anyone unfortunate enough to have dropped a book in the bath.)
Would you rather:
Be able to meet one character of your choice or meet one author of your choice?
Ouch! I don't know! I suppose... I suppose I would go with the author because I would love to be a published writer so maybe I could get some inspiration and motivation. But... there are so many awesome characters out there. The author wins by half a hair!
Would you rather:
Never be allowed in a book store again or never be allowed in a library again?
OK, this is easy. Library. I live in Africa folks. Our libraries are so out of date you can find John Grisham's early works on the 'New' shelf. Also, my classroom is a library, and right now, I want to stay on holiday!
Would you rather:
Have to choose one of your favorite characters to die in their book or have to pick one of your favorite couples to break up in their book?
I'm going with the break up. Generally speaking, the romance usually takes away the enjoyment for me because it is usually is far to perfect, far to unrealistic and far to annoying.
Would you rather:
Be required to read Twilight once a year for the rest of your life or The Scarlet Letter once a year for the rest of your life?
Oh Merlin! Twishite? Not a chance in hell. It will have to be The Scarlet Letter, although, not having read that, I might not enjoy it. On the other hand, I was far too old for Twishite when I read it, and detested every minute of it, so I know what the outcome of that will be.
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