I finished this last night, and it was ... I don't know how to explain it. It was a combination between freaky, insane, brilliant, insane (did I mention that?) and completely gripping.
This book is not written chronologically. It alternates between two timelines. The story starts in the present day. Malorie is moving her kids out of the house to somewhere. It is just the three of them. The second timeline is set five-ish years before, when whatever is causing the problem started. Because of what we learn in the present, we can work out things that must have happened in the past - but we don't know how. And that is where this book is brilliant. Instead of it feeling like it was spoiling itself, it was adding to the suspense, because we know that the poop is going to hit the fan - a big industrial type fan, lots of splatter guaranteed. My favourite part was the older story.
Malorie made an interesting character to follow. She was nothing extraordinary, especially in the beginning. She was not the one who had the great ideas, nor was she the adventurous, experimental type. But she grew and got strength. If nothing else, it shows the power of the maternal instinct and the adaptability of human nature. I know I would not have wanted to have been in her shoes.
I was expecting this book to be much scarier. I had heard that it was one 'not to read alone' and 'not to be read at night'. I did both and I was fine - a bit disappointing. I must admit that trying to sleep afterwards was a bit trickier - my house makes a lot of noises at night.
I gave this 4 stars on Goodreads, and is the 2nd I have bumped off my TBR pile this year!
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