After the loss of her aunt, Tessa Gray moves to London to be with her brother. Only, she doesn't find her brother, just a world of trouble filled with warlocks, demons and Shadowhunters. And what is it about her? Why do these people want her? And who is the Magister?
I can't say that I enjoyed this series. There are so many things I could say about why I didn't like it, and although it is really tempting to go into all those million reasons, I can't guarantee that anyone would be interested in reading it. So I will keep it short.
Love triangles bug the hell out of me, especially when it is obvious who is supposed to be together. This one was less a triangle and more a straight line with a detour bump on the side for the majority of the story. Maybe some folks will disagree. It does redeem itself near the end. But, blurgh, by then I was fed up.
The plot was predictable in every single way possible. The other thing was that the plot seemed to take the back seat to everybody's love lives, and I mean everybody. At some points I felt that the plot was just an excuse for the romance. I just don't get excited about teen romance.
I felt that Henry Branwell was a fanfic copy of Arthur Weasley. I also felt that far too many pages were wasted on characters that I didn't care about, in the attempt to make me care about them. I didn't. On the positive side, there were strong female characters. They just weren't really distinguishable from each other, personality wise at least.
While I can see what the appeal is for YA readers, I did not go gagga over this series. Am I being too harsh? So many people love this series. Is it age? I am sure I would have loved it if I was 16. But I know other adult readers who thoroughly enjoyed this series. I think I need to give YA a break. Either the majority of the YA I have picked up recently are substandard, or else my real life is interfering with my reading and robbing me of all forms of idealism and 'happily-ever-afters'. They all feel fake and unrealistic right now.
I gave these books 3 stars each on Goodreads, because they were OK.
These were the 10th and 11th books completed for the 2015 TBR Pile Reading challenge!
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