The atmosphere created in this book was brilliantly done. It was dark and ominous. Du Maurier manipulated my feelings with her skilled use of imagery. Also, the way the novel was constructed helped too. The plot structure is cyclical, so we get the end at the beginning which just drops enough hints to make the reader know/assume that 'something bad' is going to happen. But it does not suggest how bad nor what happened. That was great - except for my nails. I chewed quite a few off while reading this. Not that is was scary. This isn't a horror story. But suspenseful! Definitely!
The characters were all conundrums, with the exception of the unnamed narrator. But even she was interesting because she would visualise what she thought was happening, or what people were saying, so I was constantly aware that she was a bit unreliable. As to all the others - who knows what was going on with them! Rebecca is a character I can't ignore here either. Although you never meet her in the book, her presence is overwhelming and unforgettable. That in itself was an impressive feat.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I was expecting something above average or OK - especially with the hideous cover that promised a complicated, snooze-fest of a read. (No really, just look at it. How did that sell at all?) I gave it 5 stars on Goodreads. Fans of Gothic fiction, fans of suspense and fans of really good writing and a well-thought out plot and structure will appreciate Rebecca.
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