Go Set a Watchman is set nearly twenty years after To Kill a Mockingbird. Once again, I am sitting wondering how to say anything without spoiling things. If you are anything like me, I like going into a book knowing as little as possible. But talking about a book, by saying as little as possible, is near IMpossible. So what can I say? Yes, this book is about Scout, now mostly known as Jean Louise. Yes, someone is dead, and no, after reading To Kill a Mockingbird I did not feel that was touched on nearly enough to my satisfaction. But then, this was technically written before To Kill a Mockingbird - but I will get into that later. Some characters are very different. Pedestals are knocked down. Maybe it is a good thing? Maybe it is good to realise that men are fallible, no matter who they are. Some old favourites do not feature. There is no Boo; Miss Maudie was only mentioned as having existed (I think it was her at least, it was definitely one of the neighbours); Mrs Dubose returned from the dead. And then there is a new character who apparently grew up with Jem and Scout. Those were the unsettling parts - parts that either went against canon or my expectations.
But this book was written before To Kill a Mockingbird. This is where Harper Lee got her ideas, and for that, I thought this was a fascinating read. I liked seeing the raw characters, before they were honed and shaped into the characters I know so well. It is a 'rough' book though. It could do with some editing. But as Harper Lee did not want this book made public, I can't hold that against her. In fact, from the perspective of a wannabe writer, I found that it was not the final draft very enlightening too.
I was really concerned that this book was going to taint To Kill a Mockingbird for me but
I am glad I read it after all.
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