I am sure you have heard this, in one form or another: This is the next Harry Potter, the next Hunger Games... In this case, I was told this book was "the next Stieg Larsson". While I can't say I fall for this gimmick any more, I still find myself disappointed at the end. I think it is because, even though I really try not to compare the books, I just can't help it.

Now, this book was not bad. But it was nothing special either, in my opinion. I did like how unpredictable it was; and although at the time, I felt a lot of the personal information regarding the investigating officers was unnecessary, I did appreciate how it made me root for them. But having said that, I can't say that I actually cared for them, particularly Chief Inspector Winter, the main protagonist. (Oh, you want a confusing surname? Try that one when paging through photos of different seasons.)
I liked that Edwardson did not waste time with unnecessary information during interviews with suspects etc. Some of the dialogue did get a bit confusing to follow though, as it didn't state who was saying each line. Fine for a short dialogue, but it can get a bit confusing when it is over a page long. The writing did keep the pace moving, and as I said, it wasn't bogged down with copious amounts of information. I think the book was well planned.
I gave this 3 stars on Goodreads because I felt it was OK. I liked it, but if it is anything to go on, I have already flogged this book at the second hand book shop for others I am more interested in reading (and hopefully keeping).
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